Terms of Service

Please note that all guests will need to sign the following contract and a liability waiver upon their arrival in order to participate in the seminar.


I recognize that martial arts is a strenuous, athletic endeavour and that martial artists are subject to health risks not normally associated with other sports. I hereby certify that I do not suffer from physical or mental infirmities that could affect my ability to safely engage in martial arts or its related activities. I will not hold or attempt to hold Based Fight Camp, Gracie Barra, Associated Instructors and/or Staff (as hereinafter further defined) liable for any loss, damage, or injury to person or property caused by any act or neglect of any of them or other participating persons, and will indemnify and hold Based Fight Camp, Gracie Barra, Associated Instructors and/or Staff harmless from any liability for damages or claims against Based Fight Camp, Gracie Barra, Associated Instructors and/or Staff arising out of or in any way related to any such loss, damage or injury. I release Based Fight Camp, Gracie Barra, Associated Instructors and/or Staff, including its trustees, employees, agents, contractors, independent contractors, or other individuals associated with hosting the Based Fight Camp event from liability for my physical injury, including death, or illness while at the activity, regardless of whether or not my losses, injuries, suffering, or death was caused by their negligence, including improper action or failure to act. I assume all risks associated therewith, whether known or unknown to me at this time. In consideration for being permitted to engage in martial arts activities by the released parties, I agree not to sue the released parties or make any claims against them for damages, injuries, suffering, or death, even if these are wholly or partially a result of negligence by the released parties. I agree to indemnify and hold harmless the released parties from all claims, judgments, and all out of pocket costs, including attorney’s fees and court costs, incurred in connection with any actions brought as a result of my participation in martial arts activities. This release includes all claims of my family, estate, heirs, personal representatives, successors, and assigns.

For greater certainty, Based Fight Camp, Gracie Barra, Kuzushi Grappling, Aurora MMA, Associated Instructors and/or Staff shall, for purposes of this waiver of rights, indemnity, and release include, without limitation, Rose Athena Allan-McCachen, Thomas Fisher, Jeremy Kennedy, Chris Curtis, Ben Dyson, Lucas Barbosa, Jason Lara, Bruno Miranda, Braulio Estima, Magid Hage, Tim Welch, Mike Moor, Jake Jo, and all other persons associated with the Based Fight Camp events, regardless of whether such person or entity is an employee for hire, contracted service provider, voluntary service provider, host, or otherwise associated with the Based Fight Camp event.


I verify that I am in good health and capable of participating in strenuous activities and, when necessary, will tailor my activities to those within the bounds of my physical health. I recognize that any medical treatment that is provided to me while attending a Based Fight Camp activity or thereafter will be my personal responsibility regardless of whether such medical treatment will be paid for by my medical insurance company. I understand that the released parties are not providing personal accident insurance or general liability insurance under which I am a beneficiary. I agree that I am solely responsible for any expenses, medical or otherwise, that I may incur from participation in martial arts activities. I also agree that the released parties are in no way responsible to myself, my spouse and family, or my heirs for any hardship from loss of income or from expenses that may result from my injury or death. Furthermore, I agree to indemnify the released parties for any loss, liability, damage, or cost that they may suffer due to my presence in or upon their facilities and equipment. I also understand that Based Fight Camp is not responsible for lost, stolen or damaged items. In connection with any injury I may sustain or illness or other medical conditions I may experience during my participation at Based Fight Camp, I authorize any emergency first aid, medication, medical treatment, or surgery deemed necessary by the attending medical personnel if I am not able to act on my own behalf.


I further represent, acknowledge, and state that in providing this waiver, indemnity, and release, that I have been provided with an opportunity to seek legal representation in respect of the within waiver, indemnity, and release and further acknowledge and agree that my waiver, indemnity, and release agreed to herein is provided with full knowledge and recognition of my legal rights in this regard. I further represent and state that I am of the full age of majority and fully capacitated to provide the within waiver, indemnity, and release.


I hereby grant Based Fight Camp, Gracie Barra, and Associated Instructors and/or Staff permission to use, reproduce, and/or distribute photographs, films, video and sound recordings of me without compensation or approval, for use in materials created for purposes of promoting the activities of Based Fight Camp, Gracie Barra, Kuzushi Grappling, Aurora MMA, and Associated Instructors and/or Staff, including the Internet. I also state my willingness to be named in such materials.


I hereby give permission to Based Fight Camp to contact me via email or phone to provide or gather information relevant to Based Fight Camp seminars.


I understand that the registration is refundable up to 60 days prior to event start, however some administration fees amounting to 10% of the original charge will be withheld. In the case of a top-down government enforced travel restriction, Based Fight Camp will either apply the payment to a future event, or issue a return, regardless of time frame to event start, withholding only the 10% administration fee.